Thursday, December 13, 2007

Case Study 3- Architecture Renewable Energy

Abu Dhabi is the capital and 2nd largest city in the United Arab Emirates. They are considered the 2nd richest city in the world and they are putting billions into a zero emissions metropolis in the desert. "Engineers are preparing to test solar collectors. Those collectors are scheduled to power a futuristic 100,000-resident city that will rise from this sandy wasteland by the Persian Gulf. The goal: to create the world's first metropolis that emits not a single extra molecule of carbon dioxide, the cause of global warming." It is an interesting irony that the country that got rich from oil is now the one pouring money into changing their habits, well at least in one particular area. It is being designed by London's Architects Foster & Partners. I am very interested in this project and I am excited to see how it turns out. It is amazing what can be done when money isn't an object!

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